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Times Gone By

Remember as kids playing in the street, Covered in mud from head to feet, Times gone by it doesn't seem so far away to me.

A gang of us playing tic-a-nic, Get a footie out, it’s us lot stick, Times gone by it doesn't seem so far away to me.

And we all remember, Like it was yesterday, When we were younger and we used to play. Get a 10p mix, And a bag o’ chips. Be in by eight, And you could stay up late. Times gone by, doesn't seem so far away to me, To me.

Riding our bikes to there and back, A pocket full of wrappers and an odd black jack, Times gone by it doesn't seem so far away to me.

Sticks for guns and grenades of grass, What's the secret word before you pass. Times gone by it doesn't seem so far away to me.

And we all remember, Like it was yesterday, When we were younger and we used to play, Wandering Town, Till the sun goes down, Without a care, Two rings when you get there. Times gone by, doesn't seem so far away to me, To me.

Remember playing the game Truth or Dare, There’s a knock at the door but no-ones there, Times gone by it doesn't seem so far away to me.

Never did no harm, No damage done, If someone got hurt run home to mum, Times gone by it doesn't seem so far away to me.

And we all remember, Like it was yesterday, When we were younger and we used to play, Having a laugh, And a Sunday bath, Best times of our life, No trouble or strife. Times gone by, doesn't seem so far away to me Times gone by but it's oh so far away for us, for us.

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